Thursday, June 9, 2011

Another Day Above Ground.

OK its another day and today I'm going to get a little deeper about my life and how i got to where i am today.I told you that i started using drugs at a early age so now let me fill you in on what the negative side of that is.I had trouble in school as you would imagine,but i really wanted to do better i just had too much energy,I think they call it ADHD.I was supposed to be on Ritalin,but of course my parents didn't buy it because it was too expensive.Now that I'm older i realize the truth,it was because it cut into there dope money.I showed out real bad when i was 12 so they sent me to go live with my real father.Now i was really excited to go to my Dads because who wouldn't want to try and build a relationship with there real Father?So their i am in a small town called Green Creek North Carolina living with my dad and everything is good at first.I started getting into trouble at that school too so i finally got expelled for the rest of the year and my dad saied if you caint go to scholl then you should go to work.Now remember that i smoked so he sayed i would have to buy them myself.So i got a job with our landloard bailing hay and digging up septic tanks for $20 a day and that was the days when i started to feel more like a man and less like a boy.

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